var ic = 12; // Number of alternative images
var xoxo = new Array(ic); // Array to hold filenames
var yoyo = new Array(ic); // Array to hold filenames
var zozo = new Array(ic); // Array to hold filenames
xoxo[0] = "";
xoxo[1] = "";
xoxo[2] = "";
xoxo[3] = "";
xoxo[4] = "";
xoxo[5] = "";
xoxo[6] = "";
xoxo[7] = "";
xoxo[8] = "";
xoxo[9] = "";
xoxo[10] = "";
xoxo[11] = "";
yoyo[0] = "";
yoyo[1] = "";
yoyo[2] = "";
yoyo[3] = "";
yoyo[4] = "";
yoyo[5] = "";
yoyo[6] = "";
yoyo[7] = "";
yoyo[8] = "";
yoyo[9] = "";
yoyo[10] = "";
yoyo[11] = "";
zozo[0] = "";
zozo[1] = "";
zozo[2] = "";
zozo[3] = "";
zozo[4] = "";
zozo[5] = "";
zozo[6] = "";
zozo[7] = "";
zozo[8] = "";
zozo[9] = "";
zozo[10] = "";
zozo[11] = "";
function pickRandom(range)
{ if (Math.random) return Math.round(Math.random() * (range-1));
else { var now = new Date();
return (now.getTime() / 1000) % range; } }
var choice = pickRandom(ic);